Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara (Wellington) Microscopy
Contact any of the people listed below if you have any questions regarding their facilities.
University of Victoria Wellington

Set near the city centre, the Victoria University of Wellington (Te Herenga Waka) has an electron microscopy facility, amongst its other varied analytical instruments.
The electron microscope suite at Victoria University consists of two scanning electron microscopes and a transmission electron microscope, as well as various tools for sample preparation. These preparation tools include carbon, platinum, gold and other sample coaters, and an ion beam thinner.
Electron Microscopy
Scanning EM
Victoria University of Wellington
David Flynn
Hugh Green Cytometry Centre
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
We offer a unique pipeline from histological handlining and staining to image recording and publication-ready data extraction. Using our histology, advanced fluorescent microscopy facility and bioimaging analysis we can help you in the quantification of cellular distribution, interactions and networks in the context of tissue sections/ or organs itself.
Confocal Microscopy
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (LSCM) FV3000:
The laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) Olympus FV3000 is framed in an Inverted microscope IX83, equipped with 8 laser lines (405nm, 445nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm, 594nm, 640nm and 730nm). It has objectives ranging from 4X, 10X, 20X dry to 30X silicone oil , 40X oil and 60X water. The LSCM has six fluorescent detectors, four of them are the latest generation spectral GaAsP detectors and two Near infrared (GaAs) detectors. In combination with the motorised stage and micro-incubator with precise CO2 and temperature delivery it allows one to record time multipoint time lapses with optimal experimental conditions. The new LSCM FV3000 is equipped with a resonant scanning mode, for ultra-fast acquisition of 438 frames per second for physiological studies and a super resolution acquisition mode for recording structures up to 120nm apart.
Light Microscopy
Olympus VS200 whole slide scanner
The whole slide scanner VS200 has 5 imaging formats (brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast, polarisation and fluorescent). The equipment has a slide hotel allowing one to load 200 slides for automated acquisition across a range of magnifications from 2X to 60X oil (complete with an oil auto-dispenser). It has an impressive acquisition speed of less than 1 min. per slide for a 15 mm2 brightfield sections at a 20X magnification.
Incucyte S3
Incucyte S3 is a high trough put live imaging and analysis system. It resided inside of an incubator to keep perfect environment conditions of gas and temperature for long-term time-lapse experiments.
The equipment supports universal multiwell plate from 6 to 384 wells, also T75 and T25 and 10 cm petri dish. It has brightfield and fluorescent capabilities in the green (515nm) and red emission (580 nm) spectrum. Is equipped with 4X, 10X and 20X objective for whole well image recording of multi field of view per well.
Alfonso Schmidt, Senior Staff Scientist - Bioimaging Specialist