Microscopy New Zealand

Ōtepoti (Dunedin) Microscopy

Contact any of the people listed below if you have any questions regarding their facilities.

The University of Otago (Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo) hosts Dunedin's most extensive and diverse range of microscopy equipment, techniques and staff expertise. Research groups throughout the University also have microscopy-related equipment and staff, but these may not be accessible to outside users. Such facilities are welcome to add their contact details if they are amenable to other researchers using their equipment for collaborative purposes.

The most accessible microscopy services are those housed in the Otago Micro and Nano Imaging (OMNI) facility. These are listed below.

Light Microscopy

Confocal Microscopes

Nikon A1+ Inverted

Zeiss LSM 710 upright

Phenix High Content Screening confocal

Widefield Microscopes

Nikon Ti2E upright

Olympus BX61 upright


Skyscan 1172

Atomic Force Microscope

Bruker Bioscope

Electron Microscopy

Transmission EM

Philips CM100

Jeol JEM-2200 Cryo

Scanning EM

Jeol 6700F with Oxford cryo stage

Zeiss Sigma VP Oxford EDSD + EDS

Zeiss 300 Sigma VP + Gatan 3View serial block face system + Oxford EDS


Image Analysis

Fiji / ImageJ


3D Slicer




Electron Microscopy

Electron Microscopy Technical Manager
Richard Easingwood

TEM Technician
Fátima Esperanca Jorge

SEM Technician
Niki Hazleton

Confocal Microscopy, AFM and Micro-CT

Confocal Microscopy Technical Manager
Dr Rob Woolley

Confocal Technician
Rose Smither

Page Banner Credit

Light microscopy  image, Necator americanus. Alfonso Schmidt, Hugh Green Cytometry Centre, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research