Microscopy New Zealand Conference 2024
Whether your field is physical science, biological science or engineering our programme includes something for you as well as an opportunity for exposure to microscopy and microanalysis in other disciplines (see what they are up to on the ‘squishy side’ or the ‘hard side’). We also have some great workshops pre and post conference programme. Note that the programme (summary below) may change, come back and check for what’s new.
A pdf version of the programme can be downloaded from here.
Day 1: Monday 2nd December 2024
Time | Location | Workshops |
10am - 12pm | Plant & Food Research Fitzgerald Room | Image analysis: FIJI for Beginners (part 1) Sponsored by Microscopy New Zealand (includes lunch). Sponsored by Plant & Food Research |
10am - 12pm | AgResearch Taiao Room | Scanning Electron Microscopy: Master class theory and practice (part 1). Sponsored by AXT (includes lunch) |
1pm - 3pm | AgResearch Ahuwhena room | Fluorescence life-time imaging confocal microscopy. |
2pm - 4pm | Plant & Food Research Fitzgerald Room | Image analysis: FIJI for Beginners (part 2) |
2pm - 4pm | AgResearch Taiao Room | Scanning Electron Micrososcopy: Master class (part 2) |
Time | Location | General |
3pm | Lincoln UniversityWaimarie foyer | Setup trade displays (closes 5pm) |
7pm - 9pm | AgResearch Tuhiraki Wharekai |
Welcome Reception Sponsored by AXT - Tescan |
Day 2: Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Time | Location | Conference |
8am | Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Registration opens |
8:40am | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Welcome with a Karakia |
9am - 10:40am | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Morning: Session 1: Plenary, Chemical imaging using infrared microscopy at the Australian Synchrotron (Dr. Vongsvivut) Sponsored by MNZ |
10:40am - 11:00am | Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Morning tea |
11:00am - 12:30pm | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Morning: Session 2: Keynote, Researching human fertility, ethical and technical challenges (Dr. Reader) Sponsored by Evident |
12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Lunch |
1:30pm -3pm | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Afternoon: Session 3: Keynote, Dr. Alice Eruera. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Otago. Peering inside pathogens; Using cryoEM to image features inside of viruses. Sponsored by JEOL |
3pm - 3:30pm | Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Afternoon tea |
3:30pm - 4:25pm | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Afternoon: Session 4 -"Trade Secrets" |
4:30pm | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Poster session, - 2 minute talks. then poster setup time |
6pm | Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Trades and Vendor evening |
Day 3: Wednesday 4th December 2024
Time | Location | Conference |
9am - 10:40am | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Morning: Session 5: Keynote, Drs. Ian Hallett and Allan Mitchell. Microscopy New Zealand Inc. 50 years behind the microscope. Sponsored by MNZ |
10:40am - 11:00am | Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Morning tea |
11:00am - 12:30pm | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Morning: Session 6 |
12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Lunch |
1:30pm - 2:30pm | Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Poster session 2 |
2:30pm - 4:15pm | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Afternoon: Session 7: Keynote, imaging over biological scales using optical microscopy (Dr. McMillan) |
6pm | "The Laboratory" | Evening Dinner Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Day 4: Thursday 5th December 2024
Time | Location | Conference |
9:45am - 10:30am | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Morning: Session 8: Quantifying the nanoworld: measuring mechanical properties with high-resolution AFM (Dr. Elena Taran) |
10:30am - 10:45am | Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Morning tea |
10:45am - 11:30am | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Session 8 continued |
11:30am - 12pm | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | End of Conference Announcements (and prizes) |
12pm | Lincoln University Waimarie Inaka | Microscopy NZ AGM |
Lincoln University Waimarie foyer | Trade display take down and clean up. |
Day 5: Friday 6th December 2024
Time | Location | Workshop |
10am- 12pm |
AgResearch, Ahuwhena room | Advancing fluorescence microscopy using real-time computational clearing: Leica Thunder. Sponsored by Bio-Strategy - Part of DKSH Group |
10am- 12pm |
Plant & Food Research Fitzgerald Room | Image analysis: FIJI for Quantification (part 1). Sponsored by Plant & Food Research (includes lunch) |
10am - 12pm | University of Canterbury |
Atomic force microscopy correlated infrared spectroscopy (part 1). Sponsored by Coherent Scientific. (includes lunch) |
2pm - 4pm | Plant & Food Research Fitzgerald Room | Image analysis: FIJI for Quantification (part 2) |
1pm - 3pm | University of Canterbury | Atomic force microscopy correlated infrared spectroscopy (part 2) |
Workshop Descriptions
Image analysis: FIJI for Beginners. Run by Dr. Paul McMillan. University of Melbourne. This full day course is sponsored by Microscopy New Zealand. Held at Plant and Food Research, Lincoln. Bring your own devices.
Life Sciences: Fluorescence life-time imaging confocal microscopy. Run by Dr. Claudia Meisrimler, University of Canterbury. This is an afternoon course, run at AgResearch, Lincoln with a live feed to a FLIM microscope laboratory at the University of Canterbury.
Scanning Electron Microscopy master class, theory and practice. Run by Dr Lena Wolff from AXT. This full day lecture course covers how an SEM works, best practice to operate one, understand imaging modes and how to care for the instrument. The workshop is sponsored by AXT PTY LTD and held at AgResearch Lincoln.
Advancing fluorescence microscopy using real-time computational clearing: Leica Thunder. Run by Dr. Charlotte Johnson. This morning live demonstration of the technology is sponsored by Bio-strategy – Part of DKSH Group, and will be held at AgResearch Lincoln.
Image analysis: FIJI for Quantification. Run by Dr. Paul McMillan. University of Melbourne. This full day course is sponsored by Microscopy New Zealand. Held at Plant and Food Research, Lincoln. Bring your own devices.
NanoIR: correlative atomic force microscopy and infrared spectroscopy mapping. Run by Dr. Mark Staiger and an application expert from Bruker, this whole day workshop is hands on and held at the University of Canterbury. Sponsored by Coherent Scientific Ltd. (Places very limited).
Conference enquiries email address mnz2024@microscopynz.co.nz
A pdf version of the programme can be downloaded from here.