Microscopy New Zealand Conference 2024

Sponsorship Options

Main Event sponsor + Conference Dinner
Suggested $10,000+GST

  • Priority listing in sponsorship promotional material
  • Exclusive sponsorship of the conference dinner
  • Acknowledgement in the event schedule
  • Option of a slot in the “trade-secrets” session (15 minutes)
  • One exhibition booth plus two exhibitor registration
  • One full page colour advertisement in the conference program
  • Company name/logo displayed on event website and hyperlinked to your website
  • Company logo printed on front of delegate bag and front cover of the conference handbook
  • One piece of promotional literature for inclusion in delegate hand-outs
  • Complementary registration to Microscopy NZ

Premier: Plenary/Keynote Speaker sponsorship
Suggested $5,500+GST

  • Exclusive sponsorship of plenary speaker (where available)
    •    Acknowledgement at the conference opening and closing sessions
    •    Acknowledgement in the event schedule
  • One 5min talk - opening session on day of trades evening.
  • One exhibition booth plus two exhibitor registrations
  • Option of a slot in the “trade-secrets” session (15 minutes)
  • One exhibition booth plus two exhibitor registration
  • One full page colour advertisement in the conference program
  • One piece of promotional literature for inclusion in delegate hand-outs
  • Hyperlinked company logo displayed on the front page of the conference website
  • Acknowledgement in all printed material
  • Complementary registration to Microscopy NZ

Session sponsorship
Suggested $3,500+GST

  • Exclusive sponsorship of the main speaker session (where available)
  • Acknowledgement in the event program and at the event opening and closing session
  • One exhibition booth plus one exhibitor registration
  • One full page monochrome advertisement in the conference handbook
  • Company logo printed on the back cover of the conference handbook
  • One piece of promotional literature for inclusion in delegate hand-outs
  • Hyperlinked company logo displayed on the conference website
  • Complementary registration to Microscopy NZ

Suggested $1,500+GST

  • Exclusive sponsorship of one workshop
  • Acknowledgement in the event opening and published schedule.
  • One exhibitor registration
  • One half page monochrome advertisement in the conference handbook
  • Hyperlinked company logo on the event website
  • One piece of promotional literature for inclusion in delegate hand-outs

Student Award sponsorship
Suggested $200+GST

  • Acknowledgement in the event schedule
  • One quarter page monochrome advertisement in the conference handbook
  • Company name/logo displayed on event website and hyperlinked to your website
  • One piece of promotional literature for inclusion in delegate hand-outs

Exhibition package only

  • One exhibitor registration (with access to all conference social events inc. gala dinner)
  • 3x 1.2m booth (min. size)
  • Booth signage with company name (min. one per booth)
  • Two 150w spot lights
  • One chair and one trestle table (or offered alternative)
  • One 10amp four-way power board
  • Company name/logo will be listed in the conference handbook and website

PDF Download

A pdf of the above information can be downloaded here.

Customise your sponsorship!

Don’t see something you like, all good, let’s throw some light on the issue?
MNZ values your support to make this conference possible. If you’d like to suggest alternative to the packages provided above, we’re happy to discuss options to ensure everyone can benefit from this meeting. For enquiries, please contact us using the details below

Additional sponsorship information

Sponsorship packages are subject to availability.
All sponsors are asked to supply both a high-resolution logo in colour and monochrome as well as a colour version suitable for the web.
All promotional literature for hand-outs must be supplied by the sponsor at least two weeks prior to event.
Sponsors of specific sub-events are asked to provide a banner or other signage for displays at sponsored sub-events.


An exhibition area will be open throughout this event. Organisers will strive to position the exhibition area for optimal exposure and flow. They will also seek to provide morning and afternoon tea as well as lunch in or nearby the exhibition area.

Venue Map

Booth details and general layout of the trades' displays can be found in the pdf, downloadable from here.

 For all enquiries please contact: mnz2024@microscopynz.co.nz

 QR Code

Scan on your mobile to jump to Microscopy New Zealand's home page.